Reasons to Rekey or Replace Your Locks

There are times when rekeying or replacing the locks in your home is a wise security investment. We want our families to be safe and our property secure. These are reasonable expectations. However, there are times when the existing lock isn’t suitable anymore. Today we’re going to talk about when it’s time to rekey or replace the locks.



Rekeying a lock is the process of opening the mechanism and changing the pin configuration so that a new key is required to open the lock. Rekeying is a viable option if the lock is still in reasonably good shape. Rekeying raises the overall security of a home because it limits access.

  • Locks are rekeyed if the keys have gotten away from the owner: either they’ve passed out so many copies of the keys that they aren’t sure who has one anymore, a key has been lost or stolen, or a key is in possession of someone the homeowner no longer trusts.

  • Locks are also rekeyed if the family just purchased the home and has no way of knowing who has the keys. This can also include brand new homes, as workmen and other agents could have a copy of the key. 

  • Finally, locks are rekeyed when a homeowner decides they want one key to open all of the locks in the home. Anyone who has had a keychain with more than five keys on it understands this frustration acutely.


Replacing a lock is an option in which the entire locking mechanism is removed and replaced with a brand new lock. Replacing a lock is more expensive than rekeying it, although there are several excellent reasons to replace the entire lock.

  • Locks are replaced after a burglary if the lock was damaged in the process of the break-in. Once a lock is damaged, it is a security risk. 

  • Locks are also replaced if the homeowner changes the style of the home, and the locks no longer mesh well with the decor. Updating the locks usually means upgrading the locks. Technology has made locks that operate with a keypad, a plastic key card, a cell phone, a fingerprint, and more. 

  • If the lock is old and worn out, rekeying it isn’t the best option. Replacement makes more sense because it’s more secure. A new lock will last for years and is a good value for the money.

If it has been a few years since you had your locks rekeyed, if you’ve lost a key, want an upgrade in technology, or wish to update your security, why not give me a call? I’d love to help!

Kwikpick Lock and Safe offers FREE lockout service for children or pets. If you need locksmith services for your Surprise, El Mirage, or Phoenix home or auto, call today! Bill 623-300-1889.


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