Transponder Key Programming in the West Valley


Transponder keys are chip keys introduced by car manufacturers to thwart increasing automobile theft cases. Using a radio frequency identification hidden within its plastic head, potential car thieves cannot use the serial hot-wiring technique to steal a car.

For a transponder key to disengage, one must have the correct code to which only car owners are privy. So, even if a car thief gains entry to a car, they won’t be able to engage the engine and move. Most modern vehicles utilize transponder keys. It’s best car owners don’t program the transponder key by themselves. Always engage an expert auto locksmith to program the chip key.

Pros and Cons of Transponder Keys

The transponder key is a more recent technological advancement in the automobile industry. Here are some of the benefits it brings to the table:


  • Enhanced security

    This chip key enhances security. The key is also straightforward to use as long as the correct access code is used.

    However, the most striking fact about these keys is that a motorist can never leave them behind when leaving the car. The car also automatically locks itself if a motorist happens to lock the doors but has left with the keys.

  • Lightweight

    The portability of these keys is also one of the reasons why people love them. No one likes to carry around a heavy set of keys.

  • User friendly

    Transponder keys are easy to use. The push of a button easily controls the interface. Most busy people prefer to have this type of key over traditional keys.


  • Costly

    Purchasing a transponder key is a considerable investment for car owners. It is delicate in build and design, and can be damaged easily, leading to extra repair costs.

  • Safety

    Car owners must be more cautious when using transponder keys than standard ones. Children can easily mistake transponders for toys and start playing with the buttons, which can interfere with the car’s system.

  • Battery replacement

    Some transponder keys utilize batteries for operation. When the battery dies without warning, it may be inconvenient to the motorist as most don’t carry spare batteries.

  • High sensitivity

    The transponder key also has high sensitivity, which increases the chances of a car lockout situation. One needs to be extra cautious when using these sets of keys.

Signs of Transponder Key Failure

A malfunctioning transponder key can leave a motorist stranded. There are several ways that a motorist can tell that a transponder key is about to or has begun to malfunction.

Using the dashboard

If the motorist notices a red key symbol with an exclamation mark on the dashboard, then there’s a chance the transponder key has an issue. The light usually indicates a communication problem between the immobilizer and the key. It should only go on when turning on the ignition and disappear soon after if working correctly.

Difficulty locking and unlocking the car

A tell-tale sign that the transponder key has an issue is its ability to unlock and lock a vehicle on command seamlessly. Even if it picks up after a while, motorists should contact a licensed car locksmith to assess and fix the issue.

Difficulty starting up the car

Car owners who notice that their engine fails to start when turning the transponder key in the ignition need to contact a professional locksmith to help check out the key. When a car doesn’t start, it may be that it does not recognize the key.

Car alarm keeps going off

If the car emergency signal keeps going off unexpectedly and can’t be turned off, the transponder key may need to be checked.

Causes of Transponder Key Failure

There are common factors that can lead to transponder key failures.

  • Dead battery: Transponder keys use batteries to operate. If the battery dies without car owners having one available, they won’t be able to utilize the remote functions. The best solution, in this case, is to replace the batteries.

  • Contact with water: Transponder keys typically come with a protective cover. But it isn’t waterproof and usually acts as a cushion in case of sudden impact. If water happens to permeate the transponder’s case, it will corrosion. Its parts are also likely to short out due to extreme damage.

  • Mechanical shocks: Transponder keys are sensitive by design. If the keys fall on a hard surface, the shock caused by the impact will likely damage the key.

  • Duplicate car parts: Car owners who duplicate their car’s metal parts may have difficulty using the transponder key on the car. A transponder key has to be programmed, and the car system won’t recognize it. In this situation, the best solution for car owners is to contact a certified locksmith service company to help program the key accurately.

The causes of transponder key failures can be varied. Car owners need to hire the services of expert auto locksmiths to obtain a trusted solution.

If motorists face any of these issues, they should contact KwikPick Lock and Safe to find a solution to the problem. Our auto locksmith technicians are experienced in a wide range of transponder keys. They can recommend a key replacement after diagnosis to ensure the problem is solved. Our team will also be able to program the key or reprogram the old key where possible to ensure a smooth driving experience.