A Guide to Solving Striker Plate Problems

A door striker plate secures the doors of homeowners who use deadbolts to protect their properties from intruders. In addition, a striker plate ensures the door is correctly anchored to the frame and prevents friction in the door jambs.

A door striker plate is an essential multi-purpose element. Most importantly, it secures the doors of homeowners who use deadbolts to protect their properties from intruders. In addition, a striker plate ensures the door is correctly anchored to the frame and prevents friction in the door jambs.

Unfortunately, these vital elements can become misaligned over time, causing several problems. Keep reading to learn the measures homeowners can take to avoid security issues and weaken the door frame.

Tightening mounting screws

A striker plate is held in place by mounting screws. Regular use can cause these screws to become loose over time, resulting in a misaligned door striker plate. Tightening the mounting screws with a screwdriver should fix this issue.

Trimming the hole

The hole beneath the striker plate might have some wood inside, preventing the latch bolts from sinking into it. Alternatively, the hole might be too small for the bolts. Trimming this hole can allow the bolts to fit appropriately and resolve misalignment.

Moving the striker plate

If tightening mounting screws and trimming the catch hole doesn't resolve the striker plate problems, it means the misalignment is too severe. If that's the case, the only viable solution is to remove the striker plate altogether and reposition it.

Moving the striker plate up or down and in or out is possible. Ensure that the new position shouldn't overlap with the old screw holes.

Installing a new striker plate

Homeowners who continue having problems with their doors even after making all the above adjustments should consider installing a new striker plate.

Adjustable striker plates can be an appealing option for the replacement. These plates come with ovular screw holes that allow homeowners to make adjustments without drilling new holes. They can also adjust the width of the catch hole using a chisel.

But these corrections shouldn't be too extreme, as they can weaken the connection between the striker plate and the door frame.

Contact an experienced locksmith

Fixing a misaligned door striker plate is of utmost importance due to home safety implications. Homeowners can try to fix it independently, provided they have the right tools and the know-how to handle the job safely.

Sometimes it can look as if the striker plate has been adequately fixed. However, using the wrong screws or omitting extra parts can leave the striker plate vulnerable to forced entry.

Therefore, the safest option is to contact a knowledgeable and experienced locksmith. This way, homeowners can rest assured that the striker plate is adequately repaired or replaced. As a result, no one will be able to push the home's doors open by force.

Kwik Pick Lock and Safe offers FREE lockout service for children or pets. If you need locksmith services for your Surprise, El Mirage, or Phoenix home or auto, call today!  Call us at 623-300-1889. 


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